Conversational messaging is quite different from older styles of marketing. In the past, marketing focused on telling the customer something, whether in an ad or a demonstration. Today, this type of messaging focuses on two-way communication. It’s about bringing brands together with consumers in new and interesting ways. It’s also one of the best ways to reach today’s digital consumers.

The Rise of Conversational Messaging 

There’s been a significant shift in the way brands connect with and engage with their clients. We know the value of omnichannel messaging, which focuses heavily on creating the same experience across all touch points. Yet, with conversational-focused marketing, the goal is to create opportunities to connect and learn. That can be done with in-person experiences and also digitally.

Today, 8 out of 10 consumers share that they enjoy being able to communicate and connect with companies. Considering that, it’s clear that today’s brands must find a way to engage in this manner. As noted by Mitto, the use of this marketing is what helps people play a role, not just in the purchasing decision, but in growing your company, aiding in product decisions, and formulating your brand itself.

The Power of Real-Time Interactions

The core component of this style of messaging is creating ways to embrace interactions with customers. Real-time interactions in conversational messaging are critically important. Imagine a customer driving by your establishment and displaying a deal for them at that very moment. That may get them to stop by and purchase. This can be done digitally in various ways, including text marketing. By offering a real-time message like this, brands connect with their customers instantly, changing their buying decisions in moments.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Not only does this type of instant support help customers make buying decisions, it can also provide an opportunity for them to build a better level of trust and loyalty with a brand, notes Mitto. For many organizations, SMS campaigns, for example, allow customers to learn about products and services, get to know the “personality” of the business, and help them feel more connected and engaged, which leads to better experiences. In many ways, it’s this type of experience that can encourage customers to come back to that brand. 

Convenience and Accessibility

Conversational messaging can also be highly effective in creating buying opportunities. Most people have their smartphones on them consistently. They don’t have to go far to get that message to connect with the brand. Rather, the product they want is a click of a link away, which can make a big difference in their responsiveness. 

Building Trust and Loyalty

Over time, consumers get to know a brand and want to interact with it. They may share that information with their friends as well. They learn that the company is likely to offer great deals, and they know where to find them. This type of messaging also allows for instant solutions to problems, and that in itself can build better outcomes. 

Data-Driven Insights 

The use of this type of messaging also creates new ways to learn about customer buying habits and needs. It enables brands to capture data that can help shape their growth and product or service development. It may also provide a way for companies to learn what customers don’t like, so they can stop using inferior marketing strategies.

Messaging that’s more conversational delivers results. It puts the customer in control and enables a better long-term outcome in growing business goals.

By Manali